Rethink Fitness Awareness Workouts

Are you easily distracted? How well do you control your attention? Are certain behaviors or thoughts verging on addiction? 

The part of you that fights for what's in your best interest must win the battle for your own mind. 

Awareness Workouts help you train for that fight. You develop your ability to stay aware in the present. You identify the triggers that repeatedly cause you to deviate from the current reality. You progressively heal and strengthen your inner structure. You cultivate a process of living that is adaptable and resilient.

Regain authority over your attention and open up all kinds of new possibilities for yourself.

Get Started Today

Rework the Way You Work

Do you find your experience of work to be somewhat dissatisfying? Are you routinely feeling tired, unmotivated, frustrated, disappointed, or generally unenthusiastic, and casting some degree of blame at your work situation for that being the case?

If you're not getting the results you want, it's time to revisit your role in the process.

Rework the Way You Work offers you a framework for articulating and evaluating your current approach to work. You'll be guided to explore your underlying beliefs, your goals, your process for adapting, your sources of support, and your path to fulfillment. 

Change the way you work, and your experience of work can transform. 

Take the Course

Finding Clarity at Work in a Post-Pandemic World

It's been a few years since everyday life changed drastically for almost everyone, and the dust is still settling. From a big picture, how have you adjusted? What new routines have taken hold? How are you balancing your health, your work, your family, and yourself?

There's been a lot to process, and it can be helpful to set aside time to do so.

Finding Clarity at Work in a Post-Pandemic World offers you a series of audio-visual meditations to help you exhale, open up, and reflect on the changes of the past few years, especially as it relates to the idea of "work." 

Giving yourself a little space to tune into your state of being can be tremendously refreshing. Find out how Aim & Conquer can support this process.

Access the Meditations